 EDUCATIONAL WORLD  www.cliftonsherman.com

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This site is designed to provide the necessary information that is needed by teachers and educators of all levels to plan and execute meaningful lessons in all subject areas.

Site Control: This site is totally independent of The New York State / City Department of Education. The views that are presented are in alignment with the interest of the management and the editorial staff of this site. This is quite true, but, while we are acting in the spirit of modern democracy, we will not forget the political aspects of public education. We will not hesitate to give our praises or render our criticism. We are expected to give popular views but at some point we will have to present our biases. We will have to present our biases because we are educators. Educators have been quiet for too long. They need to create an uprising that will ensure a meaningful education for all the children in our world. At Educational World, we knew that it was OK to leave the plantation and we did. We took our leave for good. We might have been wrong, but we doubt it. Because the masters are flashing their whips of control, many teachers are frustrated. They are frustrated because they have lost their rights. They have lost their rights to participate in the planning process. This is quite true because teachers are forced to follow whatever the masters demand. There is no consideration for their input. Teachers, if you don't stand up for something, you are surely going to fall for nothing.

In the discipline of education, there are too many masters, too many leaders, and too many followers. It is sad that the masters have little or no idea of the goals that they would like to achieve. The leaders are unsure of the directions in which they should lead. And, strangely, the followers are tired of following. They are tired because they have an insight. They have an insight that they are being led away from the promised land. Teachers, stand up and teach! Don't ever forget that you are the stars of the teaching show!

Clifton Sherman

Copyright © 2004 Educational World